From electowiki
Revision as of 22:32, 30 August 2020 by Aldo Tragni (talk | contribs)

First-Approval Instant-Runoff Voting (FAIR-V) is a Single-Winner Cardinal voting systems.

The objectives of this voting system is the balance between simplicity, resistance to strategies and elect utilitarian winner.


Voter score candidates with 3 ratings ["good", "neutral", "bad"] converted, at the start of the counting, to the following values [1,1,0].

  1. The candidate with the lowest sum of points is eliminated. If all "bad" candidates are eliminated from a ballot, then the "neutral" candidates are set to 0 and the "good" candidates to 1.

Procedure 1 is repeated, until only one candidate remains, who is the winner.


Bmin Norm (Bullet Min Norm): set 0 the minimum value of the ballot to normalize, and the others all to 1.

Using this norm, it's possible to apply the FAIR-V procedure also to ranges with more than 3 ratings.

Name derivation

First-Approval Instant-Runoff Voting:

  • "First": refers to the FPTP in which the voter chooses the best candidate to win. In FAIR-V the first choices are such, as long as there are "bad" candidates. After the "bad" candidates have all been eliminated from a ballot, then only the "good" ones are treated as the first choice.
  • "Approval": refers to the fact that the voter's first choices can be more than 1, as in AV.
  • "Instant-Runoff": refers to the fact that, by eliminating one candidate at a time, only two will remain at the end, obtaining the "Instant-Runoff" (comparison of the top two candidates head-to-head).

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