Proportional representation: Difference between revisions

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(I considered trying to salvage the first line that I copied from, but it wasn't helpful. The lines I most recently added from wikipedia:Proportional representation seem good enough)
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'''Proportional representation''' ('''PR''') characterizes [[electoral system]]s in which divisions in an electorate are reflected proportionately in the elected body.<ref name=JSM7>{{cite book|last1=Mill|first1=John Stuart|author-link=John Stuart Mill|title=Considerations on Representative Government|chapter=Chapter VII, Of True and False Democracy; Representation of All, and Representation of the Majority only |chapter-url= |year=1861 |publisher=Parker, Son, & Bourn |location=London|title-link=Considerations on Representative Government}}</ref> The most widely used families of "proportional representation" electoral systems are [[party-list proportional representation|party-list PR]], the [[single transferable vote]] (STV), and [[mixed-member proportional representation]] (MMP).<ref name="DouglasHowPrElecWork">{{cite web|last=Amy|first=Douglas J|title=How Proportional Representation Elections Work |url= |publisher=[[FairVote]]| access-date=26 October 2017}}</ref>
ManyThe expertsconcept treatof "proportional representation" can be quantified as a measure of the outcome of an election where there are multiple parties and multiple members are elected. It is one of many [[types of representation]] in a [[W:Representative government|representative government]].
== Usage ==
Countries which use somesystems formdesigned ofto achieve high proportional representation include: [[Austria]], [[Argentina]], [[Belgium]], [[Brazil]], [[Bulgaria]], [[Czech Republic]], [[Denmark]], [[Estonia]], [[Finland]], [[Greece]], [[Iceland]], [[Ireland]], [[Israel]], [[Netherlands]], [[Norway]], [[Poland]], [[Portugal]], [[Romania]], [[Russia]], [[South Africa]], [[South Korea]], [[Spain]], [[Sri Lanka]], [[Sweden]], [[Switzerland]] and [[Turkey]].
Countries which have systems that are similar or use semi-proportional representation systems include: [[Australia]], [[Germany]], [[Hungary]], [[India]], [[Republic of Ireland]], [[Italy]], [[Japan]], [[Mexico]], [[New Zealand]],[[Scotland]], [[Thailand]] and [[Wales]]. India is one of the most successful examples of a country with proportional representation.
== Measures ==