Spatial models of voting: Difference between revisions

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(We should rename the page currently named "Spatial model of voting" to "Spatial models of voting", since there are many spatial models of voting and candidates. Discuss: Talk:Spatial model of voting#Plural.)
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== Limitations ==
{{Main|Dimensional limitationsLimitations of the spatial modelmodels of voting}}
While the spatial model is intended to be an approximate representation of real-life opinion distributions, the number of dimensions chosen for the geometric embedding impose fundamental restrictions on the allowed number of candidates which may be effectively distinguished by the voters using ballots, as there is only a finite number of regions possible for each possible ranking assignment of candidates. Conversely, an insufficient number of candidates in a ballot (either by a small number of candidates or arbitrarily restricting the ballot) will also fundamentally restrict the effective opinion space voters can express, as the effective dimensionality is inherently reduced.