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'''Proportional representation''' ('''PR''') characterizes [[electoral system]]s in which divisions in an electorate are reflected proportionately in the elected body.<ref name=JSM7>{{cite book|last1=Mill|first1=John Stuart|author-link=John Stuart Mill|title=Considerations on Representative Government|chapter=Chapter VII, Of True and False Democracy; Representation of All, and Representation of the Majority only |chapter-url=http://www.gutenberg.org/files/5669/5669-h/5669-h.htm#link2HCH0007 |year=1861 |publisher=Parker, Son, & Bourn |location=London|title-link=Considerations on Representative Government}}</ref> The most widely used families of "proportional representation" electoral systems are [[party-list proportional representation|party-list PR]], [[mixed-member proportional representation]] (MMP), and the [[single transferable vote]] (STV).<ref name="DouglasHowPrElecWork">{{cite web|last=Amy|first=Douglas J|title=How Proportional Representation Elections Work |url=http://www.fairvote.org/how_proportional_representation_elections_work |publisher=[[FairVote]]| access-date=26 October 2017}}</ref>
'''Proportional[[Voting Representation'''theorists]] ('''PR''')frequently isdebate which systems can be called "proportional representation", and consider the levels of proportionality achieved by various systems from "low proportional" to "high proportional". The concept of "proportional representation" can be quantified as a measure of the outcome of an election where there are multiple parties and multiple members are elected, and the representatives are demographically similar to the voting population. It is one of many [[types of representation]] in a [[W:Representative government|representative government]].
The [[Partisan system|partisan]] definition for "proportional representation" is that the candidates are partitioned into disjoint parties, and each voter approves all candidates in a single party. For example,<ref>{{Cite book|last=Piotr Faliszewski, Piotr Skowron, Arkadii Slinko, Nimrod Talmon|chapter-url=https://books.google.com/books?id=0qY8DwAAQBAJ&q=multiwinner++voting+a+new+challenge&pg=PA27|title=Trends in Computational Social Choice|date=2017-10-26|publisher=Lulu.com|isbn=978-1-326-91209-3|editor-last=Endriss|editor-first=Ulle|language=en|chapter=Multiwinner Voting: A New Challenge for Social Choice Theory}}</ref> suppose we need to elect a committee of size 10. Suppose that exactly 50% of the voters approve all candidates in party A, exactly 30% approve all candidates in party B, and exactly 20% approve all candidates in party C. Then, proportional representation requires that the committee contains exactly 5 candidates from party A, exactly 3 candidates from party B, and exactly 2 candidates from party C. If the fractions are not exact, then some rounding method should be used, and this can be done by various [[Apportionment (politics)|apportionment methods]]. However, in approval voting there is a different challenge: the voters' approval sets might not be disjoint. For example, a voter might approve one candidate from party A, two candidates from B, and five from C. This raises the question of how proportional representation should be defined. The concepts of "[[justified representation]]" one approach to solving this problem.
In practice, the implementation involves ensuring that [[W:Political party|political parties]] in parliament or legislative assemblies receive a number of seats (approximately) proportional to the percentage of the vote they received by making use of a [[Partisan systems|partisan system]]. One system which achieves high levels of proportional representation is [[Party-list proportional representation|party-list proportional representation]]. Another kind of electoral system strives to achieve proportional representation, but without relying on the existence of political parties. A common example of this is the [[single transferable vote]] (STV).
== Usage ==
Typically in the countries that use "high proportional" systems, there are more than two large political parties, and representatives will be chosen from many different parties. When the majority of voters favor one party, that party usually forms the government in parliamentary systems. Otherwise the government that is formed will usually have members of more than one party.
Countries which use systems designed to achieve high proportional representation include:
* [[Africa]]: [[South Africa]]
* [[Asia]]: [[Israel]], [[Russia]], [[South Korea]], [[Sri Lanka]], and [[Turkey]].
* [[Europe]]: [[Austria]], [[Belgium]], [[Bulgaria]], [[Czech Republic]], [[Denmark]], [[Estonia]], [[Finland]], [[Greece]], [[Iceland]], [[Ireland]], [[Netherlands]], [[Norway]], [[Poland]], [[Portugal]], [[Romania]], [[Spain]], [[Sweden]], and [[Switzerland]]
* [[South America]]: [[Argentina]], [[Brazil]],
Countries which have semi-proportional representation systems include: [[Australia]], [[Germany]], [[Hungary]], [[India]], [[Republic of Ireland]], [[Italy]], [[Japan]], [[Mexico]], [[New Zealand]], [[Thailand]] and [[Wales]]. [[India]] is perhaps the largest democracy which uses a form of proportional representation.
Similar principles apply to sub-regions, who may have their own parliament or assembly. For example, in [[W:Scotland|Scotland]], after the passage of the [[W:Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004|Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004]], the Scottish portion of the [[United Kingdom]] uses [[single transferable vote]] to select many of their local representatives.
== Measures ==
In practice, the implementation of "proportional representation" involves ensuring that [[W:Political party|political parties]] in parliament or legislative assemblies receive a number of seats (approximately) proportional to the percentage of the vote they received by making use of a [[Partisan systems|partisan system]]. One system which achieves high levels of proportional representation is [[Party-list proportional representation|party-list proportional representation]]. Another kind of electoral system strives to achieve proportional representation, but without relying on the existence of political parties. A common example of this is the [[single transferable vote]] (STV).
There are several metrics that are used to define Proportional Representation explicitly. A well-accepted form is the [[W:Gallagher index|Gallagher index]], which measures the difference between the percentage of votes each party gets and the percentage of seats each party gets in the resulting legislature, and aggregates across all parties to give a total measure in any one given election result. This measure attributes a specific level or [[Proportional Representation]] to a given election which can then be used in comparing various levels of proportionality among various elections from various [[Voting system]]s.
There are several metrics that are used to define proportionality of election methods explicitly.
=== Gallagher index ===
There are several metrics that are used to define Proportional Representation explicitly. AOne well-accepted formmeasure of proportionality is the [[W:Gallagher index|Gallagher index]], which measures the difference between the percentage of votes each party gets and the percentage of seats each party gets in the resulting legislature, and aggregates across all parties to give a total measure in any one given election result. This measure attributes a specific level or [[Proportional Representation]] to a given election which can then be used in comparing various levels of proportionality among various elections from various [[Voting system]]s.
[[W:Michael Gallagher (academic)|Michael Gallagher]], who created the index, referred to it as a "least squares index", inspired by the residual sum of squares used in the method of least squares. The index is therefore commonly abbreviated as "LSq" even though the measured allocation is not necessarily a least squares fit. The Gallagher index is computed by taking the [[W:Square root|square root]] of half the [[W:Summation|sum]] of the squares of the difference between percent of votes (<math>V_i</math>) and percent of seats (<math>S_i</math>) for each of the political parties (<math>i=1,\ldots,n</math>).
: <math>\mathrm{LSq} = \sqrt{ \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^n ( V_i-S_i ) ^2}</math>&nbsp;&nbsp;{{sfn|Gallagher|1991|p=40}}
The index weighs the deviations by their own value, creating a responsive index, ranging from 0 to 100. The larger the differences between the percentage of the votes and the percentage of seats summed over all parties, the larger the Gallagher index. The larger the index value, the larger the disproportionality, and vice versa. Michael Gallagher included "other" parties as a whole category, and [[Arend Lijphart]] modified it, excluding those parties. Unlike the well-known [[Loosemore–Hanby index]], the Gallagher index is less sensitive to small discrepancies.
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Since the standard definitions of Proportional Representation do not apply to nearly all modern systems it has become common to define proportional representation in terms of passing some sort of criteria. There is no consensus on which criteria need to be passed for a parliament to be said to be proportional, though most can agree that a voting method that passes one of the [[weak forms of PSC]] (several of which are listed here) is at least semi-proportional. It is worth noting that because there are disagreements on how best to conceptualize of PR, some measures look at how much each voter likes their favorite candidate i.e. the one meant to "represent them" (such as [[Monroe's method]]) while others look at how satisfied each voter is with all of the elected representatives.
=== [[Proportionality for Solid Coalitions]] Criterion ===
{{main|Proportionality for Solid Coalitions}}
PSC: If a sufficiently-sized group (generally at least a Droop or Hare quota) prefer a set of candidates above all others, do at least a proportional number (being the number of quotas the group comprises rounded down to the nearest integer) of candidates from that set (supposing there are enough of them) get elected?
''Proportionality for Solid Coalitions'' is often abbreviated as "PSC". The definition: Ifif a sufficiently-sized group (generally at least a Droop or Hare quota) prefer a set of candidates above all others, do at least a proportional number (being the number of quotas the group comprises rounded down to the nearest integer) of candidates from that set (supposing there are enough of them) get elected?
===Proportional (Ideological) Representation Criterion===
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===Hare Quota Criterion===
Whenever more than a [[Hare Quota]] of the voters gives max support to a single candidate and min support to every other candidate, that candidate is guaranteed to win regardless of how any of the other voters vote. This is explicitly formalized for approval ballots as [[Justified_representation#Proportional_justified_representation | Proportional justified representation ]].
Any method that passes the Proportional Representation Criterion also passes the Hare Quota Criterion. This is a very weak form of PSC.
===Winner Independent Proportionality Criterion===
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In closed list systems, each party lists its candidates according to the party's [[candidate selection]] process. This sets the order of candidates on the list and thus, in effect, their probability of being elected. The first candidate on a list, for example, will get the first seat that party wins. Each voter casts a vote for a list of candidates. Voters, therefore, do not have the option to express their preferences at the ballot as to which of a party's candidates are elected into office.<ref>{{cite web |title=Party List PR |url = http://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/party-list|publisher=Electoral Reform Society |access-date=23 May 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |title=Fixing Canadian Democracy |author= Gordon Gibson |url = https://books.google.com/books?id=y7hFz5GawkcC&q=closed+list+PR&pg=PA58 |publisher=The Fraser Institute |page=76 |date=2003|isbn= 9780889752016 }}</ref> A party is allocated seats in proportion to the number of votes it receives.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Gallagher |first1=Michael |last2=Mitchell |first2=Paul |date=2005 |title=The Politics of Electoral Systems |location=Oxford, New York |publisher=Oxford University Press |page=11 |isbn=978-0-19-925756-0}}</ref>
There is an intermediate system in Uruguay ("[[Wikipedia:Ley de Lemas|intermediateLey systemde Lemas]] in Uruguay"), where each party presents several closed lists, each representing a faction. Seats are distributed between parties according to the number of votes, and then between the factions within each party.<ref>{{citationCite neededjournal|last=Taylor|first=Phillip B.|date=May1955-02-01|title=The 2015Electoral System in Uruguay|url=https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.2307/2126402|journal=The Journal of Politics|volume=17|issue=1|pages=19–42|doi=10.2307/2126402|issn=0022-3816}}</ref>
====Open list PR====
{{Main|Open list}}
In an open list, voters may vote, depending on the model, for one person, or for two, or indicate their order of preference within the list. These votes sometimes rearrange the order of names on the party's list and thus which of its candidates are elected. Nevertheless, the number of candidates elected from the list is determined by the number of votes the list receives.{{citation needed|date=May 2015}}
====Local list PR====
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The single transferable vote (STV), also called ''choice voting'',<ref name=fairVoteFairRep>{{cite web |title=Fair Voting/Proportional Representation |url=http://www.fairvote.org/reforms/fair-representation-voting/ |publisher=[[FairVote]] |access-date=9 April 2014}}</ref><ref name=amyHist>{{cite web|last=Amy|first=Douglas J|title=A Brief History of Proportional Representation in the United States |url=http://archive.fairvote.org/?page=647 |publisher=[[FairVote]]|access-date=16 October 2015}}</ref> is a [[ranked voting|ranked system]]: voters rank candidates in order of preference. Voting districts usually elect three to seven representatives. The count is cyclic, electing or eliminating candidates and transferring votes until all seats are filled. A candidate is elected whose tally reaches a [[Droop quota|quota]], the minimum vote that guarantees election. The candidate's surplus votes (those in excess of the quota) are transferred to other candidates at a fraction of their value proportionate to the surplus, according to the voters' preferences. If no candidates reach the quota, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, those votes being transferred to their next preference at full value, and the count continues. There are many methods for transferring votes. Some early, manual, methods transferred surplus votes according to a randomly selected sample, or transferred only a "batch" of the surplus, other more recent methods transfer all votes at a fraction of their value (the surplus divided by the candidate's tally) but may need the use of a computer. Some methods may not produce exactly the same result when the count is repeated. There are also different ways of treating transfers to already elected or eliminated candidates, and these, too, can require a computer.<ref name=tidemanSTV>{{cite journal |last1=Tideman|first1=Nicolaus|author-link=Nicolaus Tideman|date=1995 |title=The Single Transferable Vote |journal=Journal of Economic Perspectives |volume=9 |issue=1 |doi=10.1257/jep.9.1.27 |pages=27–38|url=http://www.aeaweb.org/articles.php?doi=10.1257/jep.9.1.27}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=O’Neill|first1=Jeffrey C.|date=July 2006 |title=Comments on the STV Rules Proposed by British Columbia |journal=Voting Matters |issue=22 |url = http://www.votingmatters.org.uk/ISSUE22/INDEX.HTM |access-date=10 August 2013}}</ref>
In effect, the method produces groups of voters of equal size that reflect the diversity of the electorate, each group having a representative the group voted for. Some 90% of voters have a representative to whom they gave their first preference. Voters can choose candidates using any criteria they wish, the proportionality is implicit.<ref name=DMstvPdf>{{cite web|last1=Mollison|first1=Denis|title=Fair votes in practice STV for Westminster|url=http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~denis/signif.pdf|publisher=[[Heriot Watt University]]|access-date=3 June 2014}}</ref> Political parties are not necessary; all other prominent PR electoral systems presume that parties reflect voters wishes, which many believe gives power to parties.<ref name=tidemanSTV/> STV satisfies the [[Comparison of electoral systems|electoral system criterion]] ''[[Proportionality for Solid Coalitions|proportionality for solid coalitions]]''{{snd}} a solid coalition for a set of candidates is the group of voters that rank all those candidates above all others{{snd}} and is therefore considered a system of proportional representation.<ref name=tidemanSTV/> However, the small district magnitude used in STV elections has been criticized as impairing proportionality, especially when more parties compete than there are seats available,<ref name=forder/>{{rp|50}} and STV has, for this reason, sometimes been labelled "quasi proportional".<ref name=AusOVC/>{{rp|83}} While this may be true when considering districts in isolation, results {{em|overall}} are proportional. In Ireland, with particularly small magnitudes, results are "highly proportional".<ref name=ideaEsd/>{{rp|73}}<ref name=ideaGallagher/> In the [[Wikipedia:1997 Irish general election|1997 Irish general election]], the average magnitude was 4.0 but eight parties gained representation, four of them with less than 3% of first preference votes nationally. Six independent candidates also won election.<ref name=laver/> STV has also been described as the {{em|most}} proportional system.<ref name=AusOVC/>{{rp|83}} The system tends to handicap extreme candidates because, to gain preferences and so improve their chance of election, candidates need to canvass voters beyond their own circle of supporters, and so need to moderate their views.<ref>{{Cite news |title=Referendum 2011: A look at the STV system |url=http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10762976 |publisher=The New Zealand Herald |date=1 Nov 2011 |access-date=21 Nov 2014 |location=Auckland|work=[[The New Zealand Herald]] }}</ref><ref>{{cite magazine |title=Change the Way We Elect? Round Two of the Debate |url=https://thetyee.ca/Views/2009/04/30/STV2/ |magazine=The Tyee |date=30 Apr 2009 |access-date=21 Nov 2014 |location=Vancouver}}</ref> Conversely, widely respected candidates can win election with relatively few first preferences by benefitting from strong subordinate preference support.<ref name=DMstvPdf/>
====Australian Senate STV====
The term ''STV'' in Australia refers to the Senate electoral system, a variant of ''Hare-Clark'' characterized by the "above the line" [[group voting ticket]], a party list option. It is used in the Australian upper house, the [[Wikipedia:Australian Senate|Australian Senate]], most state upper houses, the [[Tasmania|Tasmanian]] lower house and the Capital Territory assembly. Due to the number of preferences that are compulsory if a vote for candidates (below-the-line) is to be valid{{snd}} for the Senate a minimum of 90% of candidates must be scored, in 2013 in [[New South Wales]] that meant writing 99 preferences on the ballot<ref name=prsaHC/>{{snd}} 95% and more of voters use the above-the-line option, making the system, in all but name, a party list system.<ref name=uwaAbove>{{cite web|title=Above the line voting |url=http://elections.uwa.edu.au/glossaryc.lasso?CondensedGlossary=abovethelinevoting |publisher=University of Western Australia |access-date=21 Nov 2014|location=Perth}}</ref><ref name=abcGlossaryGVT>{{cite web |title=Glossary of Election Terms |url=http://www.abc.net.au/elections/federal/2010/guide/glossary.htm#group_voting_ticket |publisher=Australian Broadcasting Corporation|access-date=21 Nov 2014|location=Sydney}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Hill|first1=I.D.|date=November 2000 |title=How to ruin STV |journal=Voting Matters |issue=12 |url = http://www.votingmatters.org.uk/ISSUE12/P7.htm |access-date=10 August 2013}}</ref> Parties determine the order in which candidates are elected and also control transfers to other lists and this has led to anomalies: preference deals between parties, and "micro parties" which rely entirely on these deals. Additionally, independent candidates are unelectable unless they form, or join, a group above-the-line.<ref name=anthonyGreen04>{{cite web|last=Green|first=Anthony|title=Above or below the line? Managing preference votes|url=http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=3359&page=0 |publisher=On Line Opinion|date=20 April 2005|access-date=21 Nov 2014 |location=Australia}}</ref><ref name=ersDog>{{cite web|last=Terry|first=Chris|title=Serving up a dog's breakfast|url=http://devers2.speedster-it.com/blog/serving-up-a-dogs-breakfast|publisher=[[Electoral Reform Society]]|date=5 April 2012|access-date=21 Nov 2014|location=London|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171007220903/http://devers2.speedster-it.com/blog/serving-up-a-dogs-breakfast|archive-date=7 October 2017|url-status=dead}}</ref> Concerning the development of STV in Australia researchers have observed: "... we see real evidence of the extent to which Australian politicians, particularly at national levels, are prone to fiddle with the electoral system".<ref name=AusOVC>{{cite book|title=The Australian Electoral System: Origins, Variations, and Consequences |date=2006|publisher=[[UNSW Press]] |location=Sydney |isbn=978-0868408583 |author=David M. Farrell |author2=Ian McAllister}}</ref>{{rp|86}}
As a result of a parliamentary commission investigating the 2013 election, from 2016 the system has been considerably reformed (see [[Wikipedia:2016 Australian federal election|2016 Australian federal election]]), with group voting tickets (GVTs) abolished and voters no longer required to fill all boxes.
===Mixed compensatory systems===
A mixed compensatory system is an electoral system that is [[mixed electoral system|mixed]], meaning that it combines a plurality/majority formula with a proportional formula,<ref name=ACEMixSys>{{cite web|last1=ACE Project Electoral Knowledge Network|title=Mixed Systems|url=https://aceproject.org/ace-en/topics/es/esd/esd03/default|access-date=29 June 2016}}</ref> and that uses the proportional component to compensate for disproportionality caused by the plurality/majority component.<ref name=MassicotteSearch>{{cite report|first1=Louis|last1=Massicotte|title=In Search of Compensatory Mixed Electoral System for Québec|url=https://www.institutions-democratiques.gouv.qc.ca/publications/mode_scrutin_rapport_en.pdf|date=2004}}</ref><ref name=BochslerTerritory>{{cite book|first1=Daniel|last1=Bochsler|title=Territory and Electoral Rules in Post-Communist Democracies|chapter=Chapter 5, How Party Systems Develop in Mixed Electoral Systems|chapter-url=https://books.google.com/books?id=qkCBDAAAQBAJ|date=May 13, 2010|publisher=Palgrave Macmillan|isbn=9780230281424}}</ref> For example, suppose that a party wins 10 seats based on [[plurality voting|plurality]], but requires 15 seats in total to obtain its proportional share of an elected body. A fully proportional mixed compensatory system would award this party 5 compensatory (PR) seats, raising the party's seat count from 10 to 15. The most prominent mixed compensatory system is [[mixed member proportional representation]] (MMP), used in Germany since 1949. In MMP, the seats won by plurality are associated with single-member districts.
====Mixed member proportional representation====
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Voters typically have two votes, one for their district representative and one for the party list. The list vote usually determines how many seats are allocated to each party in parliament. After the district winners have been determined, sufficient candidates from each party list are elected to "top-up" each party to the overall number of parliamentary seats due to it according to the party's overall list vote. Before apportioning list seats, all list votes for parties which failed to reach the threshold are discarded. If eliminated parties lose seats in this manner, then the seat counts for parties that achieved the threshold improve. Also, any direct seats won by independent candidates are subtracted from the parliamentary total used to apportion list seats.<ref>{{cite web|title=MMP Voting System |url=http://www.elections.org.nz/voting-system/mmp-voting-system |publisher=[[Electoral Commission (New Zealand)|Electoral Commission New Zealand]]|location=Wellington|access-date=10 Aug 2014|date=2011}}</ref>
The system has the potential to produce proportional results, but proportionality can be compromised if the ratio of list to district seats is too low, it may then not be possible to completely compensate district seat disproportionality. Another factor can be how [[overhang seat]]s are handled, district seats that a party wins in excess of the number due to it under the list vote. To achieve proportionality, other parties require "balance seats", increasing the size of parliament by twice the number of overhang seats, but this is not always done. Until recently, Germany increased the size of parliament by the number of overhang seats but did not use the increased size for apportioning list seats. This was changed for the 2013 national election after the constitutional court rejected the previous law, not compensating for overhang seats had resulted in a [[negative vote weight]] effect.<ref>{{cite news|title=Deutschland hat ein neues Wahlrecht |url=http://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2013-02/bundestag-wahlrecht-beschluss |publisher=[[Zeit Online]]|language=de|date=22 February 2013}}</ref> Lesotho, Scotland and Wales do not increase the size of parliament at all, and, in 2012, a New Zealand parliamentary commission also proposed abandoning compensation for overhang seats, and so fixing the size of parliament. At the same time, it would abolish the single-seat threshold{{snd}} any such seats would then be overhang seats and would otherwise have increased the size of parliament further{{snd}} and reduce the electoral threshold from 5% to 4%. Proportionality would not suffer.<ref name=ideaEsd/><ref name=NZ2012EC>{{cite web|title=Report of the Electoral Commission on the Review of the MMP Voting System|url=http://www.elections.org.nz/events/past-events-0/2012-mmp-review/results-mmp-review|publisher=[[Electoral Commission (New Zealand)|Electoral Commission New Zealand]]|location=Wellington|access-date=10 Aug 2014|date=2011|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140707151142/http://www.elections.org.nz/events/past-events-0/2012-mmp-review/results-mmp-review|archive-date=7 July 2014|url-status=dead}}</ref>
====Dual member proportional representation====
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====Fair majority voting====
Balinski has proposed another variant called [[fair majority voting]] (FMV) to replace single-winner plurality/majoritarian electoral systems, in particular the system used for the [[US House of Representatives]]. FMV introduces proportionality without changing the method of voting, the number of seats, or the{{snd}}possibly –possibly gerrymandered{{snd}}district –district boundaries. Seats would be apportioned to parties in a proportional manner at the [[U.S. state|state]] level.<ref name=balinskiFMV/> In a related proposal for the [[UK parliament]], whose elections are contested by many more parties, the authors note that parameters can be tuned to adopt any degree of proportionality deemed acceptable to the electorate. In order to elect smaller parties, a number of constituencies would be awarded to candidates placed fourth or even fifth in the constituency{{snd}} unlikely to be acceptable to the electorate, the authors concede{{snd}} but this effect could be substantially reduced by incorporating a third, regional, apportionment tier, or by specifying minimum thresholds.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Akartunali|first1=Kerem|last2=Knight|first2=Philip A.|date=January 2014|title=Network Models and Biproportional Apportionment for Fair Seat Allocations in the UK Elections| url=http://personal.strath.ac.uk/kerem.akartunali/research/Voting_preprint.pdf |publisher=[[University of Strathclyde]]|access-date=10 August 2014}}</ref>
===Other proportional systems===
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====Asset voting====
In asset voting,<ref name=smithMultisurv/><ref name=smithAssetMultiwin>{{cite web|last=Smith|first=Warren|title="Asset voting" scheme for multiwinner elections|url=http://rangevoting.org/WarrenSmithPages/homepage/multiwin.pdf|date=8 March 2005}}</ref> the voters vote for candidates and then the candidates negotiate amongst each other and reallocate votes amongst themselves. Asset voting was proposed by [[Lewis Carroll]] in 1884<ref>{{cite web |url=https://archive.org/details/ThePrinciplesOfParliamentaryRepresentation |title=The Principles of Parliamentary Representation |last=Dodgson |first=Charles |date=1884 |publisher=London: Harrison and Sons |access-date=28 June 2019 |quote=The Elector must understand that, in giving his vote to ''A'', he gives it to him as his absolute property, to use for himself, or to transfer to other Candidates, or to leave unused.}}</ref> and has been more recently independently rediscovered and extended by [[Warren D. Smith]] and [[Forest Simmons]].<ref name=smithAssetWeb>{{cite web|last=Smith|first=Warren|title=Asset voting – an interesting and very simple multiwinner voting system|url=http://rangevoting.org/Asset.html|access-date=4 April 2016}}</ref> As such, this method substitutes candidates' collective preferences for those of the voters.
====Evaluative Proportional Representation (EPR)====
Similar to [[Majority Judgment]] voting that elects single winners, Evaluative Proportional Representation (EPR) elects all the members of a legislative body. Both systems remove the qualitative wasting of votes.<ref>{{cite book|author= M. Balinski & R. Laraki|year=2010|title=Majority Judgment. |publisher=MIT |isbn=978-0-262-01513-4}}</ref> Each citizen grades the fitness for office of as many of the candidates as they wish as either Excellent (ideal), Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, or Reject (entirely unsuitable). Multiple candidates may be given the same grade by a voter. Using EPR, each citizen elects their representative at-large for a city council. For a large and diverse state legislature, each citizen chooses to vote through any of the districts or official electoral associations in the country. Each voter grades any number of candidates in the whole country. Each elected representative has a different voting power (a different number of weighted votes) in the legislative body. This number is equal to the total number of votes given exclusively to each member from all citizens. Each member's weighted vote results from receiving one of the following from each voter: their highest grade, highest remaining grade, or proxy vote. No citizen's vote is "[[wasted vote|wasted]]"<ref>{{cite journal |first1=Stephen |last1=Bosworth |first2=AnderAnders |last2=Corr |first3=Stevan |last3=Leonard |name-list-style=amp |title=Legislatures Elected by Evaluative Proportional Representation (EPR): an Algorithm |url=http://www.jpolrisk.com/legislatures-elected-by-evaluative-proportional-representation-epr-an-algorithm-v2/|journal=Journal of Political Risk |volume=7 |number=8 |date=July 8, 2019 |access-date=August 19, 2019}}</ref> Unlike all the other proportional representation systems, each EPR voter, and each self-identifying minority or majority is quantitatively represented with exact proportionality. Also, like Majority Judgment, EPR reduces by almost half both the incentives and possibilities for voters to use Tactical Voting. {{See also|Tactical voting#Majority judgment}}
* [https://fixourhouse.org Fix Our House]
* [https://prorepcoalition.org ProRep Coalition]
* [https://fairvote.org/our-reforms/proportional-ranked-choice-voting-information/ FairVote] (predominantly for STV)
* [https://electionscience.org/learn/library/proportional-voting-methods/ Center for Election Science] (predominantly for Proportional Approval Voting)
* [https://www.equal.vote/pr Equal Vote Coalition] (predominantly for Proportional STAR)
Proportional representation is unfamiliar to many citizens of the United States. The dominant system in former British colonies was [[Single Member Plurality|single member plurality (SMP)]], but [[Mixed-member proportional|mixed-member proportional representation (MMP)]] and [[Single transferable vote|single transferable vote (STV)]] replaced it in a number of such places.
SystemsA designedfew tocities havein highthe levelsUnited ofStates Proportionaluse representationSTV, doincluding havePortland, someOR, historyAlbany, inCA, thePalm UnitedDesert, StatesCA, Cambridge, MA, and [https://fairvote.org/our-reforms/proportional-ranked-choice-voting-information/ a couple of others]. Many cities in the past, including New York, oncealso had used such systems for their city councils as a way to break up the Democratic Party monopolies on elective office. In Cincinnati, Ohio, a system was adopted in 1925 to get rid of Republican party dominance but was successfully overturned in 1957.
Some electoral systems incorporate additional constraints on winner selection to ensure quotas based on based on gender or minority status (like ethnicity). Note that features such as this are not typically associated with "proportional representation" although the goal of such systems is to ensure that elected member representation is proportional to such population percentages. Many proportional representation advocates argue that, voters will already be justly represented without these demographic rules since the particular immutable characteristics are independent of partisan allegiance, ideology or ability as a politician.
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| [[Sequential Ebert]] || [[Phragmén's Method | Phragmén interpretation]] ||
|[[Stable winner set]]
|Unknown whether a Hare-stable winner set always exists
[[Proportionality for Solid Coalitions]] is praised for ensuring thatensures voters get what would intuitively be considered an at least somewhat proportional outcome, but is criticized for focusing too much on giving a voter one "best" representative, rather than letting that voter have influence in electing several representatives.
Many of the properties of these systems can be derived from their party list simplifications. The [[Balinski–Young theorem]] implies that not all desirable properties are possible in the same system. Theile type systems reduce to [[Highest averages method|divisor methods]] which means that adding voters or winners will not change results in undesirable ways. The other three reduce to [[Largest remainder methods]] which obey Quota Rules but adding voters or winners may change outcomes in undesirable ways. One such way is failure of [[Participation criterion]]. It is not clear which is a fundamentally better choice since Quota Rules are inanimatelyintimately tied with some definitions of proportionality.
=== Criticisms ===
Some common criticisms of [[STV]] (which would likely hold for many other nonpartisan PR methods) are that it is too complex in terms of filling out the ballot and tabulation, that it takes too long to count compared to partisan PR methods (many of which are [[Precinctprecinct-summable]] due to being based on [[FPTP]]), and that it can even make representatives parochialist and focused on representing their multi-member districts rather than the state or nation as a whole. Note that this last criticism is inapplicable when nonpartisan PR methods are proposed for a single national/statewide district, though this is usually not proposed or done (with the exception of some 21-seaters in Australia).
== Alternatives ==
Due to the ambiguity and difficulty in the definition of Proportional Representation academic work often uses another more robust metric. This is the concept of a [[Stable Winner Set]]. The requirement that a system always produces a stable winner set when there exists one is definable in all possible systems. This makes it more useful than the concept of Proportional Representation which is typically tied to Partisan voting and as such cannot be defined for all systems. This concept evolved out of the economics field of Participatory[[participatory Budgeting but can be equally suitable in Social Choice Theorybudgeting]]. A less strict and more practicalweaker version of this is given by [[Justifiedjustified representation]].
== Definitions ==
Line 220 ⟶ 250:
The party list case of a proportional voting method is what type of [[Party list]] allocation method it becomes equivalent to when voters vote in a "Party list"-like manner (i.e. they give maximal support to some candidates and no support to all others, as if voting on party lines). Generally, the party list case of a PR method will either be a [[Divisor method|divisor method]], such as [[D'Hondt]], or a [[Largest remainder method]], such as [[Hamilton]]. PR methods can generally be split into two categories: sequential (one winner is elected at a time) and optimal (every possible winner set is compared to each other and the best one is chosen).
Almost all sequential PR methods can have a single-winner method done to elect the final seat; this is because at that point there is only one seat left to elect. See [[Single transferable vote#Deciding the election of the final seat]] for an example. [[Condorcet methods]] and [[STAR voting]] can be made to work with PR methods in this way.
See the [[combinatorics]] article for more information.
Line 236 ⟶ 266:
* John Hickman and Chris Little. "Seat/Vote Proportionality in Romanian and Spanish Parliamentary Elections" ''Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans'' Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2000safd
* See the Proportional Representation Library (created by Professor Douglas J. Amy, Mount Holyoke College and now maintained by FairVote):
** [https://www.fairvote.org/proportional_representation_libraryarchives/proportional-representation-library/ FairVote]
** [http://web.archive.org/web/20161228205929/https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/polit/damy/prlib.htm Mount Holyoke College]
* [https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/29291 Scholarly Community Encyclopedia]
== References ==
[[Category:Voting theory]]
=== Attribution ===
:''Portions copied from https://simple.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Proportional_representation&oldid=7261369''
[[Category:Voting theory]]
[[Category:Types of representation]]
[[Category:Proportionality-related concepts]]
[[Category:Proportional voting methods|*]]
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