Talk:Center for Election Science

From electowiki


I'd like to use "C4ES" as the abbreviation for "The Center for Election Science" here on Electowiki. I know that no one from the org has officially blessed it yet, but I think it's silly to try to use "CES", given that the wikipedia:Consumer Electronics Show seems to dominate the use of that abbreviation on the web. We'll have no problem keeping C4ES on this wiki, but CES is a disabiguation page on Wikipedia, and rightfully so. -- RobLa (talk) 01:26, 15 May 2020 (UTC)

I can understand creating redirects, and maybe even adding a mention of your preference for this abbreviation in the bottom of this article, but isn't it a little extreme to change the title of something (i.e. your change of the Election Theory Forum title) when you're the only one backing the change? If any of us made such a bold change, would you accept it? (I don't mean that rhetorically either; I'd be very interested to see whether what your thinking is on this, so that I can keep it in mind for future edits I make). BetterVotingAdvocacy (talk) 01:51, 15 May 2020 (UTC)