Three Telos Model: Difference between revisions

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|Constrained Emergent
|Constrained Emergent
|Constrained Structured
|Constrained Structured
|Fairness view
|Intergroup Equity
|Individual Equality
|Rules Enforced
|Sacred Groups
|Victim Groups
|Sacred Concepts
|civil liberties/private property
|Grid-Group Culture

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It may still be useful to represent political ideologies that violate the constraints and are practically untenable. Even if the ideology is in some way suboptimal or inherently self-contradictory, people may still hold espouse it. It is unclear if the ultimate goal of such political maps is to chart the space of what people claim to believe or what is political viable.
It may still be useful to represent political ideologies that violate the constraints and are practically untenable. Even if the ideology is in some way suboptimal or inherently self-contradictory, people may still hold espouse it. It is unclear if the ultimate goal of such political maps is to chart the space of what people claim to believe or what is political viable.

==Historical Context==

While this model is intended to be generic it does have different relevancy for different historical contexts

I am going to use the terms Liberal, Conservative and Marxist for the three points of the triangle since I am really talking more about power groups in action. Marxist is not really the best word for the group since the theory has evolved a lot with Gramsci, Foucault, Crewnshaw, etc but I have no better word. James Lindsay would say Critical Theorist but that is not right either. All three have existed for 100s of years but typically the war is just between the two with the most power and the third is subordinate. In our electoral system there is a well known reason why only two parties are relevant called Duverger's law. Historically the subordinate power was the Marxists and the cultural battle was between the Liberals and the Conservatives. The Liberals eventually won nearly all battles until the conservatives had ceded so much ground that the difference between a conservative and classical liberal was virtually nothing. The last major battle between liberals and conservatives was that of the atheism movement in the 90s. This whole time it was the Liberals and the Marxist against the Conservative. However, due to the close relationship Liberalism was influenced by Marxism. It was largely kept at bay with the cold war and McCarthyism but the ideological subversion of liberalism was happening under the surface. Helen Pluckrose has given great summaries of the details. In the 2000s with the conservatives thoroughly beaten, the Marxists started to try to take over the left.


Differing groups can act differently depending on what the dominant ideology is and the rate of change. For example the work of has shown that Authoritarians (those low in the Telos of liberty) become much more authoritarians when there is social instability or their sacred values are threatened.

== References ==
== References ==