
From electowiki


I am Antoine Clausse. Online, I am Elzéar.


I am a programmer, currently living in Berlin

Voting systems and me


In 2014, I randomly registered to the course "Computational Social Choice" at the Technical University of Munich. That course was fascinating, and made me want to develop a web app allowing to create polls using several voting systems. A lot of that course content (and more) is freely available in the links here:

Like many people, I also stumbled upon great content like CGP Grey Voting Series, To Build a Better Ballot by Nicky Case and La démocratie sous l'angle de la théorie des jeux , which triggered my interest again.


Since 2015, I worked very slowly on voting systems as a side project. So far, I created the following content:


After making my voting system projects minimally viable, it became more difficult to invest time in them. In retrospect, I should have contributed to other projects instead of soloing mine.

I mostly plan to make all my "voting content" on open source, by migrating modules to


So far, I have not been very social about voting systems, which is absurd. I am always happy to chat about voting system, programming, or anything. Feel free to reach out on User talk:Elzear, GitHub issues, Twitter, or any means you may find 🙂