User talk:Elzear
This is the discussion page (the "Talk:" page) for the user named "User:Elzear". Please use this page to have conversations with the editor who makes the changes found at Special:Contributions/Elzear, or visit Help:Talk to learn more about talk pages more generally.
Welcome, User:Elzear! If you haven't read my boilerplate welcome message that I send to all new editors (and you plan to continue contributing to electowiki), then please read what I wrote (on this page: "User:RobLa/Welcome"). I try to keep it up to date, and after I'm done writing my welcome message to you, I'm going to review "User:RobLa/Welcome". Anyway, I totally appreciate that you identified your potential conflict-of-interest when you added the link to GitHub (this one: ) as well as your personal website. Could you add a line or two to "User:Elzear" stating as much or as little as you want about yourself? It'll be good practice for editing other wiki pages, and you're the authority on yourself, so there aren't many of us that are qualified to give you much grief about what you put there. Thanks in advance! -- RobLa (talk) 20:50, 4 August 2022 (UTC)