User:RobLa/BResp/Rule B: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
(Copied rationale from User:RobLa/BResp/Rule A. "Rule A" and "Rule B" seem pretty closely related, but "Rule A" is more general, I think...)
(See {{roblawiki|title=Rule B}})
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See '''{{roblawiki|title=Rule_B|label=Rule B}}'''
"Rule B" for the "[[User:RobLa/Bill of Responsibilities|Bill of Responsibilities]]":

'''There is no "undo" on the Internet.'''

Words have meaning. Once words leave your mouth, there is no undo (only apologies). Once you post something on the Internet (even in a private conversation), there's no taking those words back. And people will think about those words, long after you regret saying them. Don't say anything you'll regret, and certainly, be careful with what you post online.

== Forum specific applications ==

=== Electowiki ===
This is a wiki. That means that every change you make stays in the permanent history of this wiki. Of course, there are going to be times when we need to delete revisions, and we may need to ask [[Electowiki:Miraheze|Miraheze]] to delete items. But we really prefer not to go there. So please, be thoughtful what you post, and think before you hit "Save changes..."

=== RobLa's Facebook wall ===
It really drives me bananas when people delete their conversations when they regret what they said. When it's their wall, it's fine. When it's my wall, I get a little cranky. Especially when I've spent a lot of time responding, and when I've spent political capital pinging my friends. Or rather, when I've spent the attention capital of my friends. So don't do it, y'all!