This is the discussion page (the "Talk:" page) for the user named "User:DewyWind". Please use this page to have conversations with User:DewyWind, or visit Help:Talk to learn more about talk pages more generally.
Welcome, User:DewyWind! First things first: if you haven't read "User:RobLa/Welcome" yet, please do. There's some important information for you in that welcome letter (especially about the "User:DewyWind" page).
Secondly, my apologies for neglecting to welcome you back in August (when you first started editing). I see you're still doing work on the Favourability voting page, which is great. However, sometime in 2022, I'll be very inclined to make a couple of page moves:
- Favourability voting => User:DewyWind/Favourability voting
- Favourability voting/Draft sections => User:DewyWind/Favourability voting/Draft sections
This is known as "userification", and I've done it with many other articles here on electowiki (including ones that I've written on subjects that are dear to me). As a responsible administrator, I should probably do it more. Anyway, after userification, the links "Favourability voting" and Favourability voting/Draft sections will still work, but they'll redirect to your pages. When you've made your system notable to others on the Internet (e.g. by discussing with other forums you're done, and when you've actually documented the public discussions of your systems to electowiki standards, then we can move them back into the main namespace.
Regardless, welcome to electowiki! I hope you continue to contribute! -- RobLa (talk) 02:33, 28 December 2021 (UTC)