
From electowiki
Revision as of 01:53, 15 June 2020 by RobLa (talk | contribs) (sloppy reincorporation of Main Page https://electowiki.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&oldid=11772 contents)

<< Main Page

Project:Categories (also linked to as Electowiki:Categories) is the top level of Electowiki's category system. A summary of this wiki's categories can be found below:

The "top level" of categories can be found at Category:Contents

Main Page

Below was copied from the Main Page of this wiki, in this oldid: https://electowiki.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&oldid=11772

Everything below was copied from there.

This site gives you a guide to what these things are, on pages in the following categorized as follows:

  • Voting methods (i.e. electoral systems) are the main focus of this wiki. Articles in this category describe specific methods for selecting between various choices, their implementation details and features.
    • Voting theory deals with the properties of voting methods and the criteria they can meet, scenarios in which they fail, etc.
  • Advocacy is for descriptions about real-world reform: organizations, legislation, lobbying, and arguments for choosing one reform over another.
  • Elections is for articles that analyze real or hypothetical elections under different methods, and examine their properties and outcomes.
  • Forms of government is the level "above" election methods: Representative vs direct democracy, government structure and formation, etc.
  • Voting mechanics deals with real-world implementation details, such as paper ballots and electronic voting machines.