An "administrator" of a MediaWiki website is also known as a "sysop". This is a list of the electowiki accounts which have this role:
- Abuse filter talk contribs
- Psephomancy talk contribs
- RobLa talk contribs
- ⧼abusefilter-blocker⧽ talk contribs
The list of users above is automatically-generated. Administrators on electowiki have a few permissions that other users of the website don't. Some useful pages for learning more:
- See Special:ListGroupRights to see what permissions are given to users of each role on electowiki.
- See Special:ListUsers/sysop for an automatically-generated version of the "sysop" (administrator) group.
- See Project:Bureaucrats to learn about another important role on electowiki
- See Project:Users to learn more about user accounts on electowiki