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From electowiki
Wikipedia has an article on:
parent: Help

Help:Template will one day provide help for using templates on electowiki. As of right now, we just point you to wikipedia:Help:Template


main article: Help:Subst

Sometimes, it's nice to be able to get the wikitext generated from a template, without actually embedding the template. A good example of this is for Template:US-State. This template can be used to make the pages for all 50 US States, and Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico, and Guam....and well, you get the idea. So the first step is to do this

  {{US-State|name=Washington D.C.|region=Eastern}}

But the problem with that is that it generates the following:

  Washington D.C. is a state in the United States of America 

Well, even though that should be the case, it's not yet (in June 2020). So what User:RobLa did when he made the Washington D.C. article was first created it with this:

  {{subst:US-State|name=Washington D.C.|region=Eastern}}

...and then he edited it. The result is at this URL: https://electowiki.org/w/index.php?title=Washington_D.C.&oldid=11916

Magic words

Wikipedia has an article on:

English Wikipedia has a helpful page about magic words: wikipedia:Help:Magic words, which can be helpful when creating/editing templates.

List of all templates

main article: Help:List of all templates

This page used to have a list of all templates on this wiki. But that made the page ridiculous. There are a lot of them. We probably need to delete a few. See Help:List of all templates to see a list of all templates on this wiki.

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