Honesty criterion: Difference between revisions

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* [[Approval Voting]]
* [[Score Voting]]
Other systems that don't meet this criterion:
* [[IRV]] (there isn't always a Honesty Step)
===Meet criterion===

Revision as of 09:16, 2 June 2020

Honesty criterion

  • Step: indicates a generic passage of the counting (such as sum of the points, normalization of the vote, etc).
  • Update Step: indicates a passage in the count in which the form of one or more votes is changed.
  • Honesty Step: is an Update Step that makes a tactical vote equal to the respective honest vote, and this equality is also maintained in all subsequent counting Steps.


Given an honest vote and the respective tactical vote, different from each other, a voting system satisfies the Honesty criterion when, during the count, it's valid that:
- in the Update Steps the tactical vote reduces or keep the deviation from the respective honest vote.
- there is always a Honesty Step, and in the best case the Honesty Step doesn't have to be the last Update Step of the count.

The verification consists of applying the changes made on the tactical vote, during Update Step, also to the honest vote and then comparing how much they differ from each other.

To satisfy this criterion it's necessary to make assumptions about the form of the tactical vote obtained from the honest one.

Perfect Honesty criterion

A voting system satisfies the Perfect Honesty criterion when the first step of the count is the Honesty Step.

Not meet criterion

All systems that don't modify the vote in any way, cannot satisfy the Honesty criterion. If a voter uses a tactical vote in such systems, it will remain tactical until the end of the count. Some of these systems are:

Other systems that don't meet this criterion:

  • IRV (there isn't always a Honesty Step)

Meet criterion

Some systems that meet Honesty criterion, under certain assumptions, are: