Talk:Stable winner set

From electowiki
Revision as of 05:00, 16 June 2022 by Dr. Edmonds (talk | contribs)


The example I added illustrates how there can be examples where the committee is in the core but it does not "seem fair". User:Kristomun added the further specification that it is not proportional. Being in the core is the strictest form of proportionality and implies more standard ones like Justified representation. I think it would be a mistake to say that the committee is not proportional. None of the underserved groups are a quota in size. Can we remove this claim? --Dr. Edmonds (talk) 16:07, 15 June 2022 (UTC)

Sure; I was thinking of disproportionality in a setwise sense. In the example, as k->infty, the faction who gets every candidate contains almost none of the voters. If we consider there to be two factions: the faction and the "anyone but these" faction, then the distribution of power is anything but proportional in these factions: the second faction's share can grow as large as you wish without getting any representation. No proportionality violation exists in the sense of a quota violation, but divisor methods would select some non-c_1..c_k candidates in this scenario, e.g.
k = 3, L = 10,
10: A1 = A2 = A3
9: B1
9: B2
1: C1
1: C2
Then Sainte-Laguë would elect one from A1, one from B1, and one from B2.
The problem is analogous that the Droop proportionality criterion just says (if there were 10+epsilon voters): "the A group must get at least one candidate elected" without specifying anything about the representation of the other groups in aggregate.
I'll rephrase by removing the term as the argument may require a different definition of proportionality. Kristomun (talk) 17:40, 15 June 2022 (UTC)
Thanks Kristomun, this is better. Proportionality is not really a well defined term so it was ambiguous. While I have you. I did not get the size of the image right. It should be smaller to match the rest of the text better. Do you know how to fix this? --Dr. Edmonds (talk) 05:00, 16 June 2022 (UTC)