This is my personal TODO list for this wiki. Feel free to add new items, but don't be offended if I revert your changes without explanation.
See also User:RobLa/Journal, which is where I'm trying to keep a daily journal about what I'm doing on electowiki.
- electowiki
- Daily
- Check Special:RecentChanges to see what's new
- Check User:RobLa/SpecialPages#High_priority
- Weekly
- Check User:RobLa/Journal for stuff I said I'd do
- Check Special:ActiveUsers to see if there are new users or users dropping off
- Check Special:WantedPages for things that should have wiki pages
- Check User:RobLa/SpecialPages#Medium_priority
- Check "User:RobLa/TODO" on the other wikis too.
- Quarterly
- Daily
- See my TODO lists on other wikis:
- RobLaWiki:TODOon RobLaWiki
- User:RobLa/TODO on myndmess wiki
- fill in redlinks on User:RobLa/Journal (which as of 2020-05-21 would involve starting many Electowiki:Policy discussions)
- Develop a more robust Code of Conduct for this wiki
- Steps:
- Create a "Bill of Responsibilities" framework (see User:RobLa/BResp), and use that to build the new Code of Conduct
- Steps:
- Make User:RobLa/Consensus suitable to move to Consensus, possibly by merging with Consent
- Clean up pages listed at User:RobLa/Electorama 2005 cleanup
- Help Miraheze develop robust fundraising strategy
- Investigate what it would take to deploy wikipedia:Flagged Revisions to Electowiki
- Do other things on my Miraheze TODO list (at meta:User:RobLa/TODO)
- Wrap up discussion on portals versus prose, started at Talk:Government formation#Homepage_portals on 2020-03-29
Someday maybe
- Advocacy/Europe I really should make this page better than the awful stub I put there