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Voting links

From electowiki
parent: Contents

This page has a series of links to websites and discussion groups about election methods

Election data

main article: "Election data"

See election data for links to voting data (machine readable and human readable).


main article "Forum"

A "forum" is a place for discussing matters. On electowiki, this usually refers to forums in "Category:Forums". We like linking to public, persistent forums so that the historical record of discussions is captured for later reference. See "Forum" for links to other forums.

Polling sites

main article: "Online polling"

The "online poll" page has a list of web apps, phone apps, and the like that allow you to conduct polls under various (non-FPTP) voting systems.


main article: "Software"

Software for calculation, analysis, simulation, etc. of voting methods and elections

See Software for more links.


main article: "Websites"

The "Websites" page has many web pages out there about voting, election methods, the theory behind them, their practical uses, etc.

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