
From electowiki

There's a lot of software and websites that folks have made for implementing different polling solutions.

Main category: Category:Software

By person

(alphabetical by last name)

Nicky Case

main article: Nicky Case

Things like Nicky Case's famous "how to build a better ballot":

Ka-Ping Yee

main article: Ka-Ping Yee

Ka-Ping Yee's diagrams (Yee diagrams) changed many perspectives in the world of electoral reform.


By software

Other links for software for calculation, analysis, simulation, etc. of voting methods and elections

Local execution & Library

  • Condorcet PHP: Command-line application and PHP library natively including dozens of methods under a single interface. And a modular framework for implementing more.
  • JavaScript library votes: Includes more than 16 voting systems. NPM, GitHub, demo.

Online election calculators

see also: online poll

These sites calculate the winner from a listing of ballots:




  • Aggregated Ballot Information Format (ABIF) ― This format is designed to be a universal format for expressing aggregated ballot sets from elections, regardless of whether voters are asked to provide rankings (i.e. "ordinal voting") or ratings (i.e. "cardinal voting"). It's loosely based on a format that has been used on the election-methods mailing list and in other places since 1996.
  • Condorcet Election Format ― This format is a free election description specification. The objective of this format is to be easily written and read by a human, with the rigor and precision necessary for ingestion by a program.
  • Election Markup Language ― This format was created by an OASIS working group chartered "to develop a standard for the structured interchange of data among hardware, software, and service providers who engage in any aspect of providing election or voter services to public or private organizations."