
From electowiki
Revision as of 06:26, 29 June 2020 by RobLa (talk | contribs) ('''Time''' on this wiki is in UTC. It can be confusing for people in the United States, but people in the United Kingdom usually have no problem with it. (also, making a #5 tilde trick section))
parent: Help:Contents

Time on this wiki is in UTC. It can be confusing for people in the United States, but people in the United Kingdom usually have no problem with it.

5 tilde trick

As of 2020-06-28, it's possible to insert a timestamp on a page by inserting "~~~~~" on a page. Like this: 06:16, 29 June 2020 (UTC) (<= that was inserted when I first saved this page).

Note the time is in UTC. That's roughly the timezone of much of the United Kingdom, though not always.