User talk:SubGothius
This is the discussion page (the "Talk:" page) for User:SubGothius. Please use this page to leave notices for User:SubGothius, or visit Help:Talk to learn more about talk pages.
- written 21:13, 28 September 2021 (UTC)
Welcome to electowiki, User:SubGothius! Glad to see you came back after your mid-September edits, and now look. It's October and you're still here!reference provided To riff off of the Friday the 13th franchise and Alice Cooper, "SubGothius is back!" It really shouldn't be spooky that you're here, User:SubGothius, but it's October, and I'm American, and I grew up with the Friday the 13th franchise. Bear with me. :-D
Anyway, please read User:RobLa/Welcome, which is my form letter to many new editors here on electowiki. I think I speak for many editors here at electowiki by saying we'd appreciate it if you introduced yourself the way you'd like to be introduced by creating a user page at User:SubGothius. Thanks! -- RobLa (talk) 21:13, 28 September 2021 (UTC)