Voting theorist
This page is to keep track of various lists of voting theorists.
Voting Theorists
This is a non-exhaustive list of persons who significantly contributed to the development of voting theory.
- Kenneth Arrow- Discoverer of Arrow's impossibility theorem
- Joseph M. Baldwin- Discoverer of Baldwin's method
- Michel Balinski- Co-discoverer of the Balinski–Young theorem
- Duncan Black- Discoverer of Black's method.
- Jean-Charles de Borda- A discoverer of the Borda count
- Steven Brams- The leading intellectual proponent of approval voting
- Marquis de Condorcet- A discoverer of the Condorcet method
- Partha Dasgupta - Researcher of the robustness and strategic susceptibility of majority rule, Borda, and Condorcet, with Maskin.
- Henry Richmond Droop
- Keith Edmonds - Discoverer of Sequentially Spent Score, Single distributed vote and STLR voting
- Peter Fishburn- A leading proponent of approval voting. He and Brams commonly work together.
- Michael Gallagher - created the Gallagher index
- Allan Gibbard- A discoverer of the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem.
- Sean Graham - Discoverer of Dual member proportional
- Thomas Hare- Discoverer of single transferable vote.
- Aanund Hylland - Researcher of free riding, in particular Hylland free riding.
- John G. Kemeny - Discoverer of the Kemeny-Young method (with Peyton Young). Also known for co-developing BASIC.
- Jan Kok - Developer of Mechanical Addition. He also founded the Center for Range Voting jointly with Warren Smith in 2005.
- Ramon Llull- A discoverer of the Borda count and Condorcet method.
- Eric Maskin - Contributor to the foundations of mechanism theory, and researcher of the robustness of majority rule (with Dasgupta).
- Kristofer Munsterhjelm - Discoverer of fpA-fpC and the DMTBR-Condorcet-Reversal symmetry impossibility proof.
- Jack Nagel - Penn professor and former Approval proponent, first to use the term "Burr dilemma".
- Brian Olson - Discoverer of Instant Runoff Normalized Ratings.
- Toby Pereira - A discoverer of the Kotze-Pereira transformation and PAMSAC
- Lars Edvard Phragmén - Developed Phragmen's voting rules
- Jameson Quinn - Discoverer of PLACE voting
- Mark Satterthwaite- A discoverer of the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem.
- Donald Saari- A leading intellectual proponent of the Borda count.
- Forest Simmons - Discoverer of the voting method class of sequential pairwise elimination, proponent of methods that elect from the uncovered set.
- Markus Schulze - Discoverer of the Schulze method and Schulze STV.
- Matthew Shugart - Researcher of empirical implications of voting methods, non-proportional and proportional representation (with Rein Taagepera).
- Piotr Skowron - Discoverer of the Method of Equal Shares and an expansion of Justified representation to score ballots
- Alex Small - Researcher of classes of voting systems passing the favorite betrayal criterion using geometric win region analysis.
- Warren Smith - Early proponent of Score voting and discoverer of Harmonic Voting.
- Rein Taagepera - Researcher of influence of voting methods on party size, other empirical implications of voting methods (with Matthew Shugart).
- Nicolaus Tideman - Discoverer of CPO-STV, Ranked pairs, and Tideman's alternative.
- Thorvald N. Thiele - Discoverer of sequential proportional approval voting
- Robert J. Weber- The scholar credited with coining the term "approval voting" to refer to approval voting in the early 1970s.
- Douglas Woodall - Researcher of free riding, in particular Woodall free riding. Also known for discovering the Descending Acquiescing Coalitions, Descending Solid Coalitions, and QLTD voting methods; and for defining a number of monotonicity criteria.
- Ka-Ping Yee - Discoverer of Yee diagram
- H. P. Young - Co-discoverer of the Balinski–Young theorem
- Peyton Young - Discoverer of the Kemeny-Young method (with John G. Kemeny) and of Young's method.
Manually generated lists
Note, there are other manually-generated lists that may have more useful information:
- wikipedia:List of game theorists
- wikipedia:List of political scientists
- wikipedia:List of political theorists
Category:Voting theorists
The list above is an incomplete list of voting theorists who are documented on electowiki (or English Wikipedia). Please see Category:Voting theorists for the list of articles on electowiki about voting theorists, or see Category:Voting theorists for the dynamically-generated list on English Wikipedia.